List of Available Packages

  • Single check
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Daily limit: None
  • Hourly limit: None
  • Cost per scan: $0.05
  • Threads: 3
  • Periodic scan: Included
  • API: Included
  • $0.05/scan
  • Purchase package
  • Daily
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Daily limit: 150
  • Hourly limit: 30
  • Cost per scan: None
  • Threads: 3
  • Periodic scan: Included
  • API: Included
  • $2.99
  • Purchase package
  • Monthly
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Daily limit: 250
  • Hourly limit: 40
  • Cost per scan: None
  • Threads: 3
  • Periodic scan: Included
  • API: Included
  • $14.99
  • Purchase package
  • Single Scan
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Daily limit: None
  • Hourly limit: None
  • Cost per scan: $0.50
  • Threads: 1
  • Periodic scan: Excluded
  • API: Excluded
  • $0.50/scan
  • Purchase package
  • Daily
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Daily limit: 50
  • Hourly limit: None
  • Cost per scan: None
  • Threads: 1
  • Periodic scan: Excluded
  • API: Excluded
  • $5.99
  • Purchase package
  • Monthly
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Daily limit: 75
  • Hourly limit: None
  • Cost per scan: None
  • Threads: 1
  • Periodic scan: Excluded
  • API: Excluded
  • $24.99
  • Purchase package
  • Free Trial
  • Duration: Permanent
  • Daily limit: 100
  • Hourly limit: 20
  • Cost per scan: None
  • Threads: 1
  • Periodic scan: Excluded
  • API: Excluded
  • $0.00/scan
  • Purchase package

Package description

  • Periodic scan - add files to the periodic scan queue and scan them in a certain time interval e.g. every 3 hours.
  • Daily limit - number of available scans per day (regardless of the number of selected Antiviruses), resets every 24 hours.
  • Hourly limit - number of available scans per hour (regardless of the number of selected Antiviruses), resets every 60 minutes.
  • Threads - number of available parallel scans (scanning files simultaneously).
  • API - scan files remotely without having to access our website.
  • Single check - a single check includes scans from all Antivirus software packages.
  • Subscribing to a different package will result in an instant restart of your daily and hourly scans while removing all the remaining days from your previous package.
  • Resubscribing to the same package will result in an instant restart of your daily and hourly scans as well as the number of remaining days.
  • Subscriptions are not automatic, you need to resubscribe to the same package if you wish to continue using the package after it expires.